Vermont Tofu Sandwich

Sesame Tofu Sandwich

We Upper Valley Localvores are fortunate to have a local source of tofu from Vermont Soy in Hardwick, VT. I love tofu sauteed with sesame seeds and tamari, served on local bread with chopped chives and parsley . . . and I must confess, Hellman’s mayonnaise, which is one of my “wild cards”. (Do you know that, in addition to making a variety of soy milks, Vt. Soy also makes toasted soy nuts for snacks or salad toppings?)

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2 Responses to Vermont Tofu Sandwich

  1. strubbles says:

    Where do you get local sesame seeds?

  2. uvlocalvores says:

    Oh, wouldn’t it be nice to have local sesame seeds! It is unlikely that will happen since sesame seeds mainly grow in tropical regions. The sesame seeds, tamari , and mayo for this sandwich are not local.

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